Posts Tagged ‘g338c2’:

McDermott Pool Cue G338C2 MARCH 2023 CUE OF THE MONTH- NEW

The G-Core’s Triple-Layer Carbon Fiber Core technology will consistently provide a straighter cue ball path, minimizing the need to compensate for spin and throw. G-Core shafts feature a carbon fiber ferrule core.

McDermott G338C2 Pool Cue with Defy Carbon Fiber Shaft

McDermott C338C2 Pool Cue. With CUSTOM Emerald Green stain. CUSTOM Wildfire 3D “Celtic Clover” artwork. Silver, green & black urethane index rings. Genuine Irish linen wrap. Defy Carbon Fiber Shaft 12.5mm. Navigator Automatic Tip-Soft 1.

G338C2 McDermott Emerald Green 12.75mm Pool Cue of the Month March 2023

The McDermott Cue of the Month March 2023 gives you a chance to own a customized McDermott cue for the same price as the original! Each month, McDermott customizes an existing cue with a combination of unique stains, wraps, exotic materials, rings, or a shaft upgrade. Manufactured By McDermott (Model G338C2). Available Weights: 18-21 oz […]
