McDermott Vintage Pool Cue 1995- Revival Series -RS-13AC American Cherry stain -Never Chalked- Masterpiece Joint -Rare-Amazing Cue -NOS. American Cherry stain on the crazy figured Maple forearm. The forearm is some of the gaudiest Maple I have ever seen on a pool cue. 4 points are Black Onyx with Ivory, Tulipwood and black veneers. The sleeve is very nice Ebony. 8 large intricate Tulipwood inlays with ivory diamonds. Metal and white index rings. I believe this to be among the first McDermott cue models to feature metal rings. Along with RS-11 and 12. This is the first model to have metal with white index rings. They still use them on their spendy cues. The bottom set of rings on the sleeve has some minor crazing in the finish. The butt sleeve has some minor storage scuffing lines on it. (Maybe will buff out) Otherwise, it’s a mint cue. This cue is highly collectible but would also make a fine everyday player. I’m very tempted to start playing with it. This is one of the last cues they engraved their logo on. This was made right before they started printing the logo. Without a weight bolt. I can add weight if you message me. Sticker says 21 oz. Irish Linen wrap- It is super tight and smooth. 12.75 mm never chalked original tip. This cue has the Masterpiece joint which is very rare. A lot of the cues with this joint have been converted to the modern quick release joint as that is the only way to have a new shaft. They do not match shafts to this joint anymore. No Ebony, Tulipwood or Ivory at McDermott anymore. Made in the U.
